346 รวมเข้าชม, 2 เข้าชมวันนี้
18 May 2565/2022: Thai Time 05.30-06.50 MCU PHETCHABUN: Dr. Phra Rajpanyarangsi, Sub-District Head Sangha, and Abbot of Wat Chinorasaram, Bangkok Noi, Bangkok, presents Dhamma talks and experiences on the topic of “Thai Dhammduta for the Expectation of Society” to 116 Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkhus Class 28/2565/2022 during academic course, who are training the program of 3 months from March to June 2565/2022. There are Lecturers of Dhammaduta College and International Relations Division staff of MCU to participate the event as well at MCU Religious Development Center, Campson, Khao Kho, Phetchabun.
News: Dhammaduta College
Reporter: Phra Siriwanna Siriwanno, IRD
English News: Phra Siriwanna Siriwanno, IRD
Picture: Foreign Affairs of MCU