182 รวมเข้าชม,  1 เข้าชมวันนี้


23 June 2565/2022 Time: 13.00 MCU: Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phradhamvajrabundit, Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, is kindly to preside over foreign student orientation ceremony Orientation for Academic Year 2022 at Theater D, Classroom Building, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya. He led to pay respect the Triple Gem and gave special speech for the student orientation ceremony.

In this event by having Ven. Dr. Phra Sophonvachairabhorn, Aggamahabundit, Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs has given the report in the activities.

Moreover, Ven. Dr. Phra Sophonvachirabhorn, gave a speech for guidelines how to spend the university life and presided over the closing ceremony as well.

In the academic year 2022, the university has organized the opening ceremony and orientation for new foreign students today, with foreign students in faculties from first year to 4th year in the academic year 2022.

Faculty of Buddhism has 158 foreign students; and

Faculty of Humanities has 156 foreign students.

They are total 314 foreign students in the academic year.

The activities are scheduled as we are gathering assembly here an important day for performing activities.

It is to pay respected the Executive administers, Lecturers, who teach and provide knowledge to the students and

The opening ceremony a foreign student orientation to listen to the policy and guidelines from the Most Ven. Rector for the academic year 2022

          In this regard, the university has assigned administrators, lecturers, staff, new foreign students, and current foreign students, both from the central and regional campuses, to attend the event via Zoom Video Conferencing, and being broadcast live via MCU TV and via all communication platforms of the university, and there are representatives of administrators, lecturers, staff, and foreign students attended the event onsite in this theater D.

News: Dhammaduta College

Reporter: Phra Siriwanna Siriwanno, IRD

English News: Phra Siriwanna Siriwanno, IRD

Picture:  Foreign Affairs of MCU


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